The working paper explores the contribution of agroecology to innovative and transformative climate change adaptation responses. Building on extensive evidence research and experts and practitioners’ consultations, the five key messages presented in this paper offers entry points for integrating agroecology into climate adaptation measures. To know more about the methodology used to develop the paper, please consult this document. To know more about the agroecological initiatives involved in the consultation process, please consult this document.

This guide presents investment strategies designed to create an enabling environment for sustainable land management (SLM) and ecosystem restoration. The investment strategies are based on the main outcomes of Global Soil Week (GSW) 2019, which was held in Nairobi from 26–30 May.

This working paper presents The Tem Sesiabun Gorado (TSG) model, a farmer-to-farmer technology diffusion model. It seeks to address common shortcomings of conventional farmer-to-farmer extension approaches, in particular with respect to accountability mechanisms and sustaining the motivation of farmer trainers.

This working paper, entitled ‘Making sustainable land management work for women smallholders’ presents recommendations for policy makers and programme implementers based on evidence from case studies in Benin and Burkina Faso.
Recommandations à l’intention des décideurs politiques et des concepteurs de programmes, basées sur des données probantes issues d’études de cas au Bénin et au Burkina Faso.

This working paper describes the research project focussing on socio-economic, cultural and political-institutional factors that constrain farmers’ uptake of Sustainable Land Manage- ment (SLM) practices.

This booklet narrates how the community of Isukha Central Ward piloted development of Land Lease Guidelines in 2017. This pilot process aimed to increase the security of tenure in land leasing and to ensure mutually beneficial relationships for both parties in a lease agreement. A copy of the guidelines and the Land Lease Agreement Form developed by the community is also included in this booklet.
Kijitabu hiki kinaeleza miongozo ya kukodisha ardhi katika wadi ya Isukha ya Magharibi. Aidha kinaeleza jinsi jamii ya Isukha ya Magharibi ilivyoandaa utaratibu na miongozo ya kukodisha ardhi. Lengo la kukuza vidokezo vinavyoongoza ukodishaji wa ardhi ya jumuiya lilikuwa kukuza mwafaka wa umiliki wa kukodisha ardhi kwa lengo la kilimo na kuhakikisha mahusiano mema baina ya mkodishaji na mmiliki. Jumuiya pia ilianda fomu ya mkataba wa kukodisha ardhi. Fomu hii imejumuishwa katika kijitabu hiki.

The purpose of this guide is to provide target actors with a tool for the conduct of an alternative process for securing access to land for women. Land needs to be secured particularly where legal and regulatory provisions are adopted and implemented only to a limited extent and where customary land regimes are still prevalent.
L’objectif du guide est de mettre à la disposition des acteurs cibles un outil leur permettant de conduire un processus alter- natif de sécurisation de l’accès des femmes à la terre. Il s’agit de la sécurisation des terres dans un contexte de faible appro- priation et application des textes législatifs et règlementaires et de prévalence des régimes fonciers coutumiers.

This booklet presents community-led land lease guidelines for Isukha West Ward. The booklet outlines how the Isukha West community conducted the process and the land lease guidelines. The aim of developing these community-led land lease guidelines was to increase security of tenure in leasing land for agricultural purpose and to ensure mutually beneficial relationships for the lessee and the lessor. The community also developed a land leasing agreement form. This form is included in this booklet.
Kijitabu hiki kinaeleza miongozo ya kukodisha ardhi katika wadi ya Isukha ya Magharibi. Aidha kinaeleza jinsi jamii ya Isukha ya Magharibi ilivyoandaa utaratibu na miongozo ya kukodisha ardhi. Lengo la kukuza vidokezo vinavyoongoza ukodishaji wa ardhi ya jumuiya lilikuwa kukuza mwafaka wa umiliki wa kukodisha ardhi kwa lengo la kilimo na kuhakikisha mahusiano mema baina ya mkodishaji na mmiliki. Jumuiya pia ilianda fomu ya mkataba wa kukodisha ardhi. Fomu hii imejumuishwa katika kijitabu hiki.